Page name: horse lovers united [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-09-09 20:37:23
Last author: Kahri
Owner: Savior of the Broken
# of watchers: 25
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This is for all you horse lovers out there who want people to know it! Wether you've ever seen a real horse or not, as long as you love horses, this is the place you! Come on and Join!

Here are two Horse Lovers banners:

If these banners are ok, please tell me [Hopper89], if you don't like them I'll try and make some better ones.


I made this banner for us. It's a pic of Sham (horse,white) and Sasha (pony) and I thought it would be funny since they really do look like they're saying that. :) Cheers :) [// Grace //.And..Bend]

If you love horses, put your names down here and write a horsey comment if you want!

1.[Savior of the Broken] *sings* I LOVE HORSES! NANANANANA! I LOVE HORSES! NANANANANA!*stops singing* Hey guess what! I LOVE HORSES!!!!!!!
2.[Kit Azhure] Horses are my life!
3.[Innocent as Sin] Gaited/Racking Horses Rock!
4.[Hopper89] Yeah! Hops up and down. Finally a good horse wiki!!!!!! Horses rock my socks off!
5.[// Grace //.And..Bend] I miss sham :( (half arab i used to have)
6.[Lyra Belacqua] Life without horses just isn't life!!!!
7.[Rydia] I love Nobella Prize! (Prince) Look for him on my house!
8.[Elindyl_Star] Horses are cool!!!
9.[Pipagorn] Yay for the ponies!!! "The air of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears."- An Arabian Proverb
11.[Tanka] "Gypsy gold does not chink and glitter, it gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark"-a rom proverb. and mustangs rule!!!!
13.[Silver Badger] I don't own any horses (T_T) but I love two I met named Kate and Rose!
14.[Broken_Wings444] I have many many horses and would like to own many many more! :)
15. [Sloan] i own 12 horses and love em all to bits!
16.[san~sao] i only take car of one but i love him so much^-,^.
17.[stephomelon] I have a little pony, don't cross me or you can deal with him. It wont be pretty, lol!
18. [Arlin_Aster] I luv horses *hugs Tink Tink* (my horse)
19: [Fuzzybaboonbutts] horsies..^-^
20: [Sylraïana] *huggles her fave horsey*
21. [Bye!!!!!!!!!] i have 6 horses and 3 of them are my own...i am going to do high school rodeo! i love my horses, Jasmine, Silver, and Sammy(my sexy pony :P)
22. [{{Jessicuh!}}] Horses are my life..The best animal in the world...
23. [moira the paradox]
24. [Fire-n-Ash] ah, horses, my true love! 3 is just never enough!!!!
25. [01234] I rodeo and own three horses.
26. [Saulegraza] I barrel race and go to CSU for equine science. Plan on owning my own operation post-college.
27. [Roccoriel] Currently riding versatility ranch with my mare and working on a career training and breeding performance horses.
28. [HE IS MY ONE TRUE LOVE!] horses!! I am such a horse fanatic!!! yay!!
29. [elvenrogue] Obession of horses, is always a great thing.^^
30.[] i wish i could run like a horse!
31.[freakchild] And they thought I would grow out of it;)
32. [Kelaria] Horses are so beautiful... They are wonderful and amazing creatures!
33.[Thorgin] I love horses *hugs all horsies*
34.[Piggly_wiggly] i don't know what tp put? horse power?
35.[abandonedhouse7 7] Gypsy gold does not chink or glitter... it gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark. (Irish Gypsy proverb) ^_^
36. [moira hawthorne] love horses... always did always will and some day Ill own my own! b/c I miss riding! 10 yrs english lessons and worked at a stable.
37.[Artsieladie]i miss having horses!
38.[Leaegd] Wish I had a horse.. Our so-called garden is only grass, perfect for a horse, BUT of course, my mum... One day I'll own a horse (well, preferably more than 1)
39.[Moonkeeper of Arilestite] I love horses! obviously!! woohoo!
40.[Chemical Solitude] yay im no.40!! woot! go the ponies!! their so much fun!!
41. [Kuramasgirl] Horses rule! Their the most intelligent animals in the world!! ^.^
42. [more meredith please!] been ridin since i was 9, and ive always been in love with horses......theyre better than a lot of humans..
43.[orchidflame]i looooove horses soo much there so graceful and beautiful.......i wish i could have one:)
45.[black_rose666] i have 4
46.[southern_ hearted_ cowgirl]
47.[SunCloud] Horsies rule!!!
48.[ArchRose] Horses are the true essences of elegence and grace!
49.[love is confusing] i love horses i always have
50.[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]
53. [Forever Equine] I've spent the last 10 yrs of my life, drawing them, writing about them, training them, but most of all LOVING them!=D
54.[EveEnthrall] i used to ride and still wish i could. horses are enchanting and beautiful creatures.
55. [Shadow Girl056] I've been fortunate enough to work with these amazing animals for 7 years now, and I hope it's just the beginning. I feel so blessed every day when i walk outside and see them standing there :D
56. [Kahri]
horse pictures wether its your horse or just a picture you found on the net... It belongs here!
Horse photo reference totally free images donated by Elftowners that you can use for reference, photo manipulations or your home page.

horse drawings put your beautiful horse art here!

horse JOKES! JOKES! ABOUT HORSES! Add yours!

horse training techniques Training Techniques you know about... anything that works!

horse poems Poems that you made up about horses or that you found on the internet.

monthly featured member Every month I will add put up a member that has been active and that has submitted a lot of stuff to the wiki! Vote here-->featured member voting

The shrine of fallen horses Come honour the memory of the horses that we loved dearly and have passed away to a better place. Let them never be forgotten.

Username (or number or email):


2004-12-28 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: buggery short things.......with a choppy trot

2004-12-28 [Innocent as Sin]: i dont like there attitude. I have met some really nice ponies though i have met some that tried to bite your arm off and buck whoever was riding them off. i guess it is just the breeding and the upbringing.

2004-12-29 [Roccoriel]: Professional Horsemen's Association of Elftown --> PHAE

2004-12-29 [Rydia]: every horse/pony is different... Just like people. There really is no way to categorize them all.

2004-12-29 [stephomelon]: My pony is all of what Innocent as Sin just descibed and more. Stubborn mule of a thing.

2004-12-29 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: so was mine....little dork.....but it's ok...cuz she went to a family who really wanted a pony and will snuggle her more than i did

2004-12-30 [HE IS MY ONE TRUE LOVE!]: hi lol............................................

2004-12-31 [Roccoriel]: Hey now, I've worked with mules...they're not stubborn, they're just ridiculously smart. Stubborn is more an appaloosa trait

2004-12-31 [Fire-n-Ash]: hahahahaha. *Nods at Roccoriel* So is stupidity, but we won't get into that.

2004-12-31 [Rydia]: *blinkage*

2004-12-31 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: hahahaha.....arabs are smart little shits....sham used to always open the gate herself...

2004-12-31 [Innocent as Sin]: lol thats always fun though arabians are a little too hot blooded for me I stick to big horses and mustangs.

2005-01-01 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: they're wispy..and run forever...and always wanna go go go...and its almost exactly how i live my me and my arab fit together perfectly

2005-01-01 [HE IS MY ONE TRUE LOVE!]: lol

2005-01-01 [Roccoriel]: can't train an arab effectively, they never get tired so you can't use that as a tool. Give me a well bred quarter horse...or paint even...just no arabs, no thoroughbreds and absolutely no appys.

2005-01-01 [Roccoriel]: That and...I know I'm prob in bad company to say this, but I don't think arabs are all that pretty. There's really nothing I physically like about them.

2005-01-01 [stephomelon]: I didn't say mules were stubborn, my pony is stubborn, but mule like in appearance. And smart...too smart.

2005-01-01 [stephomelon]: I don't mind arabs, I find them exciting to ride :) A little high strung to handle for my liking, but exciting to ride, with comfortable gaits!

2005-01-01 [stephomelon]: I used to ride an Appy too, he was an absolute doll. Rough canter though, but sweet.

2005-01-01 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: the thing about arabs is....if you have the patience you can train them...mine was a highstrung over the top arab..and i got her to calm down enough to train her follow the drassage pattern around...

2005-01-01 [Roccoriel]: I find arabs tend to do that up and down dinky canter with their head in the air, most *uncomfortable*! I prefer QHs, better work ethic, smoother gaits and, I think, more attractive. Mind you, I ride reiners and cutters and since QHs are so diverse that's the type I like. My mare reins, cuts, does western pleasure, trail, ropes, hunter, dressage and I can throw spears off her back. And, mind you, she does this all rather well :P

2005-01-01 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: awesome ^_^

2005-01-01 [Rydia]: Just give me a horse to love, and I'm all set... 3 legs or 4, it doesnt matter

2005-01-02 [Innocent as Sin]: lol

2005-01-02 [Innocent as Sin]: lol, yeah i think as long as it is healthy and doesnt have a bad attitude all is good.

2005-01-02 [Rydia]: Yuppers!!! I just want to love... hehe

2005-01-03 [Roccoriel]: well...for me as I'm planning to make a living with horses they need to be able to earn their keep and pay the bills.

2005-01-03 [Innocent as Sin]: lol another one wanting to go into the horse industry

2005-01-03 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: i plan to work with animals of all kinds....but i will own my horse

2005-01-03 [Rydia]: I want to make a living with horses too (a decision I just made last week) I just wouldnt be happy anywhere else

2005-01-03 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: i dont believe i would know Ry to be happy anywhere else

2005-01-03 [Rydia]: hehehe....perhaps I will do a bit of art on the side... but I dont draw that much to really make a living from it

2005-01-05 [Innocent as Sin]: do you know that ones that carry equestrian sciences are hard to find.....i mean with a good program and all. trust me looking for one for the fall of this year.

2005-01-05 [Rydia]: You mean collages?? Theres one here in ohio... Impy, help me out?? I dont know the name, or where its at...

2005-01-05 [Roccoriel]: It's not honestly that hard, there's several. I beleive the one in Ohio would be Findlay...I looked at it but it's ridiculously expensive. I also applied to a school in Minnesota, Truman state in Missouri, West Texas A&M and of course Colorado State. I was accepted by all of them and all have good equine programs. I chose however to remain in-state and go to CSU as CSU has the *best* equine science program in the country.

2005-01-05 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: it's down south...

2005-01-05 [Innocent as Sin]: I looked at Murray State in Kentucky adn it seemed really good as well. I dont really want to go to a big school. I would like to go to something relativley small. you know.

2005-01-06 [Roccoriel]: Well...small? How small? Laramie County Community College in Cheyenne WY has a 2 yr equine program...that I think is about as small as you're going to get.

2005-01-06 [Roccoriel]: conformation clinic brought to you by PHAE

2005-01-06 [Saulegraza]: why go to a small school that does not have the reputation that a bigger, more research orientated school has?

2005-01-06 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: financial issues come to mind.....

2005-01-06 [Innocent as Sin]: just depends.

2005-01-07 [Rydia]: *doesnt know* o.o

2005-01-08 [Innocent as Sin]: lol

2005-01-08 [Rydia]: ^_^ heh heh

2005-01-08 [Innocent as Sin]: oh well anyway is anyone having weird weather? where it is on off on certain things.

2005-01-09 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: gets up to like 50 and then we get snow

2005-01-09 [Rydia]: Yeah *agreeing with Impy*

2005-01-09 [HE IS MY ONE TRUE LOVE!]: sure does

2005-01-09 [Roccoriel]: we keep going through cycles of snow and temperatures in the single digits and then it'll warm up to about 50 for a few days.

2005-01-10 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: It's just a strange winter

2005-01-10 [stephomelon]: Summer here...the weather is too mild. Too much cloud and coolness.

2005-01-10 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: I don't think I could ever go to a place that has christmas during the summer

2005-01-10 [Rydia]: I could! *shakey fist at the snow*

2005-01-10 [stephomelon]: I know what you mean impy. Oh how I would love just once to have a white christmas. The closest we got was a blanket of hail stones one year.

2005-01-10 [Rydia]: hail stones?? hehe...

2005-01-10 [stephomelon]: yeah, little ones mind, but there were so many they covered the ground. Only last a few minutes before they melted though.

2005-01-10 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: awww :( we have a bunch of snow right now..i love it..but at the same time..i hate that because it makes me im stuck in between...iv just lived in toledo ohio my whole life so iv always had a chrismtas with snow

2005-01-11 [Rydia]: *lives very close to Impy, not quite down the street, but close*

2005-01-11 [Rydia]: Hey...anyone ever check out Lake Erie college by any chance??

2005-01-11 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: Never even heard of it...

2005-01-11 [Rydia]: Hmm...lets see... Url...

2005-01-11 [Rydia]: Check it out and tell me what you think

2005-01-11 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: hmm....interesting

2005-01-11 [Rydia]: Yuppers... it has a horsey thing! whee!

2005-01-11 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: weeee close enough for you though?

2005-01-11 [Rydia]: Its by cleveland... so close enough, but still far

2005-01-11 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: *nods*

2005-01-12 [Rydia]: anyone else want to help me out with an opinion?

2005-01-12 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: i think if its good and you like it....go reason not there?

2005-01-12 [Rydia]: hehe...My mom doesnt want me to leave home. XD

2005-01-13 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: that going to hurt your chances of leaving..or are you going to do it either way....leaving i mean going to college... :P

2005-01-14 [Rydia]: Im ganna do it either way...and Keith is going to come with me, if he moves up here

2005-01-14 [Innocent as Sin]: snowing a little here though not much. Wish it would snow more.

2005-01-14 [Rydia]: I wish I had a horse -_-

2005-01-18 [Rydia]: ...and Now I do!! EEE!!!!

2005-01-18 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: eeeeeefff *bounces around* pretty horsey pretty horsey

2005-01-18 [01234]: What horse did you get Rydia? That is excellent!

2005-01-18 [Roccoriel]: Knowledge. Application. Success. PHAE <img:>

2005-01-19 [Rydia]: I bought a 10 year old exrace horse by the name of Nobella Prize. Chestnut, 16hh and a sweetheart.

2005-01-19 [01234]: Cool got picts of her yet?

2005-01-19 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: tis a him

2005-01-19 [Roccoriel]: my sis's new horse that I'm putting some training on is a 2 1/2 y/o QH. The Zin Doctor or "Yellow". He's 15.3 palomino (pic on my house) and he's a really good ntured horse. A bit of a baby and he's most definately blond but he's a pretty laid back kind of guy. Has a stubborn streak in him but I think that will go away once he's been gelded.

2005-01-20 [Rydia]: Yay for new Horsies!!! and, I will have pic up of him... in a lil bit

2005-01-20 [01234]: okay cool

2005-01-20 [HE IS MY ONE TRUE LOVE!]: i went to the rodeo

2005-01-21 [Rydia]: yay!!

2005-01-21 [Saulegraza]: New article on PHAE...Equine Colleges...check it out

2005-01-22 [Rydia]: and check out my house, there is now a pic of my Prince

2005-01-23 [HE IS MY ONE TRUE LOVE!]: that is cute

2005-01-24 [Rydia]: I'll have a better pic up soon

2005-01-27 [abandonedhouse7 7]: Hi people! I love the wiki. I looooovvve horses; I've been riding since I was 2 years old, so theres no surprise! I've got pictures of my babies at my house.

2005-01-27 [Rydia]: yaaaaaay

2005-01-28 [freakchild]: ah..I just found this me long enough..I've linked to you guys over at The Horse..hope you don't mind...oh..and HI!

2005-01-28 [Rydia]: well, I surely dont... hehe

2005-01-28 [Innocent as Sin]: i need to get some pics of mine up as well. me thinks i do that this weekend. oh and by the way Happy Birthday to ME!!!

2005-01-29 [Rydia]: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! *hugs*

2005-01-29 [Innocent as Sin]: thanks *hugz back*

2005-01-29 [Rydia]: Yay!!

2005-01-30 [Innocent as Sin]: lol so how you doin?

2005-01-30 [HE IS MY ONE TRUE LOVE!]: hi

2005-01-30 [Innocent as Sin]: hello

2005-01-30 [Rydia]: Hiya!

2005-01-30 [pawuvo]: :.)

2005-01-30 [pawuvo]: :.)

2005-01-31 [Innocent as Sin]: man i had fun tonight i got to go see Ron White Live

2005-01-31 [Rydia]: really?

2005-01-31 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: :( I wanna see him live.....

2005-01-31 [Innocent as Sin]: yeah it was awesome! though i had this sour puss beside me who glared at me like I was laughing at the worst thing.

2005-01-31 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: haha.....oh guys were there to laugh..that's what ron white's all abnout

2005-02-01 [Rydia]:   >.>

2005-02-02 [Innocent as Sin]: yeah i know i came out with the worst pain in my sides

2005-02-02 [~*Cassie*~]: hi

2005-02-03 [Rydia]: Hello!!

2005-02-16 [Innocent as Sin]: so why has this group gotten to quiet?

2005-02-16 [Rydia]: I dont really know *pouts*

2005-02-16 [Thorgin]: Almost everybody has turned into horses and can't type with hooves?

2005-02-16 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: Nope..just watching rightn ow

2005-02-16 [Innocent as Sin]: lol nice thought though being half horse would be as good

2005-02-17 [Thorgin]: Like a Centaur?

2005-02-17 [Rydia]: I wanna be a pony *sigh*

2005-02-17 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: I remember on fantasia they had this one song they animated with centaurs ^_^ I loved it....

2005-02-17 [Rydia]: me too!! *drool*

2005-02-17 [Thorgin]: I want to be a pink "My little Pony" ^_^

2005-02-17 [abandonedhouse7 7]: Can I join? Purlease? :)

2005-02-18 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: jup jup jup jup

2005-02-18 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: *gives ry a kleenex* uuhh...little bit of drool there buddy ^_^

2005-02-18 [Rydia]: *giggles* Thankies *wipes*

2005-02-18 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: *smiles* how's prince and you doing?

2005-02-18 [Rydia]: Prince doesnt like me, but I love him ^_^

2005-02-18 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: He doesn't like you?!?!?

2005-02-18 [Rydia]: Nope. hehe

2005-02-18 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: [Loving Desire] of the closest friends I've made on here has left us.*is in total disbelief*

2005-02-19 [Innocent as Sin]: Can anyone believe My Little Ponies are coming back inro style? Though I hope you and Prince will get things together soon.

2005-02-19 [Rydia]: I'm thinking he is just irritable because he doesnt get out that much, because of all the ice... he only gets turned out to get his stall cleaned, and when I ride him in the indoor. At least, thats what I'm hoping his problem is...

2005-02-19 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: I want my little ponies to come back....I loved them ^_^  I really hope thats the only problem ry

2005-02-19 [Rydia]: Me too. I already have 3 of the new my little ponies... hehe

2005-02-19 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: ones?!...sweet

2005-02-19 [Rydia]: yeah

2005-02-20 [freakchild]: is there anyway he can get turned out in the indoor for a couple hours a day? that might be helpful

2005-02-21 [Rydia]: yeah

2005-02-21 [Innocent as Sin]: i have 10 of the old ones. none of the new ones.

2005-02-22 [Innocent as Sin]: Okay I know this is going to be a sick question. Though for a speech I need it. I need to know the total, or close to, number of horses slaughtered in the 2004 year. I know this is a sick queation to ask. Though I am trying to get my point across to my class mates. Thanks to anyone who can help.

2005-02-22 [Kit Azhure]: let me guesse premarin?

2005-02-22 [Innocent as Sin]: huh? me lost? premarin? don't want to sound like a dumbass for asking what that is. I have so many facts and figures in my head right now...sorry.

2005-02-22 [Kit Azhure]: its the major cause of foal slaughter it is a drug that uses pregnant mares urine that helps treat menopause and guess what usually happens to the foals?

2005-02-22 [Innocent as Sin]: yeah but i am doing the entire thing. from where they are bought, shiped, and to teh slaughter house, through the slaughter, and to the one person who is blocking the bill that could stop it all....Robert Goodlatte

2005-02-22 [Kit Azhure]: oh good luck try i don't know if it is the acutal address but u can try

2005-02-22 [Innocent as Sin]: kewl thanks. if you can think of anything else to add put it here or message me. thanks again

2005-02-22 [Kit Azhure]: no prob!

2005-02-22 [01234]: Do you really believe that stopping horse slaughter would be a good thing for the industry?

2005-02-22 [01234]: Not to sound cruel... but what are you gonna do with the old broke down horses no one wants? Part of the reason the bottom fell out on prices in the industry recently was limitations on slaughtering... now that some of those have been relaxed, prices are finally coming back up.

2005-02-22 [Roccoriel]: Go to PHAE and read the article there on Horse Slaughter. I used to feel the same way about it until I researched the issue in depth for multiple classes...what's on PHAE is a summary of that research.

2005-02-22 [stephomelon]: My pony was nearly a victim of horse slaughter...he was rescued a day or so before he was set to be killed. Number 23...and this was when he was only a yearling.

2005-02-22 [01234]: Yeah that is a common thing... I've known a few good horses that were slaughter rescues... but the great majority need to go for various reasons.

2005-02-22 [Roccoriel]: Again, read the article...I know some good horses end up there but, the fact of the matter is that the slaughter industry, however atrocious it may seem, is beneficial to the equine species in the long run.

2005-02-22 [stephomelon]: I have read it, and I said nothing against humane slaughter. I'm just glad that in this case though there is a happier ending than a tin of dog food.

2005-02-22 [01234]: Yeah, I knew this ranch horse once... all this horse could and would do was work cows, he loved the feedlot setting. The owners tried to show him and do this and that and he hated it... he was beautiful, black, but he hated to show, so they took him to an auction and he went for meat. It wasn't 5 days before he was set to slaughter that a feedlot manager came to pick out a couple new horses and took him, and he went back to doing what he loved... that was sure a happy ending!

2005-02-23 [Innocent as Sin]: Well, we all have out opinions and each to his own. I'm not starting anything about it on here cause I don't feel like fighting about it. I have already had to deal with some people at school.

2005-03-06 [Artsieladie]: LOVE HORSES!!! all mankind should hold them in high regard, 4 the horse has played such an important role that has brought civilization 2 where it is 2day!

2005-03-06 [Rydia]: *blinks* Hello to you too!

2005-03-06 [Savior of the Broken]: First featured member of the month is: [Roccoriel]! Congratulations!

2005-03-06 [Roccoriel]: *bows* Thank you. ^_^

2005-03-06 [Savior of the Broken]: for the next monthly featured member, there will be votes!

2005-03-07 [Rydia]: YAY

2005-03-09 [Deletedgone]: horses are the absolute best animal ever, they deserve wiki's and wik's full of stuff about them...

2005-03-09 [Rydia]: lol... lots of stuff...

2005-03-10 [Leaegd]: hey hey! (soz im lil bro has ADHD, and now my classmates suspect me of having it too, lol) horses rule bigtime!

2005-03-10 [moira hawthorne]: well so what.... its just another pigeon hole for 'them' to try and stuff you in to see if you fit! tell them to @%&% off you dont need to be classified!

2005-03-12 [Rydia]: yay! *tosses horse treats*

2005-03-13 [Artsieladie]: they just want 2 classify u so they can sell more drugs. it's always 'bout the profits for the drug & med.... community!! common sense is also known as "horse sense". well, we need more of this which ever term is used!!!! :-]

2005-03-13 [moira hawthorne]: wais Hail I totally agree!

2005-03-13 [Leaegd]: yeh =P anywayz I wont take ritalin, an' they can say i have adhd as much as they want to, I won't

2005-03-13 [moira hawthorne]: good for you!

2005-03-13 [Leaegd]: my mum just called me a "weird kid" -_-;

2005-03-13 [abandonedhouse7 7]: This is probably weird and random, but I am presuming you are all animal lovers! Go to Destroy Bonsai Kitten! or go directly to if you have the strength! It's awful, and we have to make it stop!! :S Sorry to wreck your concversation, but I thought here was a good place to start! :S

2005-03-13 [Leaegd]: It IS a good place to start

2005-03-13 [Artsieladie]: did u try posting this on animal cruelty?

2005-03-14 [Rydia]: Uh, i hope you know... bonsai kitten is just a joke... the animal crullty people (SPCA I think, blah.. cant think right now, tired) already got shoved up their ass... and it turned out to be just a joke, a sick one, but a joke none the less

2005-03-14 [abandonedhouse7 7]: Oh. That's not funny. Those pictures looked pretty real to me!! :'(

2005-03-14 [Artsieladie]: whether real or not, it's still twisted!!!

2005-03-14 [Rydia]: Indeed, it wasnt funny... but Im just gald it wasnt real

2005-03-14 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: I thought it was funny ina morbid kind of way but it really was all a joke.....

2005-03-15 [Artsieladie]: yeah...but sick ideas like this give unbalnced ppl unnecassary notions...

2005-03-15 [moira hawthorne]: unbalanced people get notions read the back of cheerio boxs!

2005-03-15 [freakchild]: yes, it was just a joke. the pictures shown were real, but the cats could easily fit into the containers they were put in, and were only in there to take the pic, and then let out. notice there are no photos of "finished" bonsai kittens, or any place to order one. its a hoax, meant to get a rise out of people.

2005-03-15 [moira hawthorne]: like this? <img:> right now that you all hate me....

2005-03-15 [stephomelon]: that reminds me of a play my friends did at which they put a fish, a horse, a penguin, Merlin and a King on a spit. And used a lot of salt.

2005-03-15 [moira hawthorne]: yes I have a twisted sense of humour at times....

2005-03-15 [Artsieladie]: back 2 the subject of horses....those WONDERFUL ANIMALS !!!

2005-03-16 [freakchild]: I got to shave my minis the other day. They are soooo cute under all that fur;)

2005-03-16 [Rydia]: awwww

2005-03-16 [freakchild]: before, in winter fuzzys:<img:>

2005-03-16 [freakchild]: after, without winter fuzzys: <img:>

2005-03-16 [freakchild]: ignore the dates, I don't know how to work my camera...

2005-03-16 [moira hawthorne]: looks better fuzzy

2005-03-16 [Artsieladie]: i agree...fuzzie 1 is so-o cute!

2005-03-17 [Innocent as Sin]: aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww its so cute fuzzy.

2005-03-17 [abandonedhouse7 7]: Without its winter fuzzys, its even smaller! I should think most of its height and weight is its winter coat! ^_^

2005-03-17 [Rydia]: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

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